Over 200 Bikes Donated to Kids!
“We know that keeping kids active increases their chances of staying healthy, even doing well in school and in life. This year is especially challenging financially for many families, This November we will take your unwanted bikes, and our team of highly skilled mechanics with the help volunteers will clean, service and refurbish to get them good as new! Our aim is to offer these to kids in RCT who may not be as fortunate as others over the Christmas period,
Home to some of the best natural trail in the UK!
The place has a long heritage of mountain biking well before any trail centre was ever established in South Wales. One of the first ever DH races was held at Barry Sidings around 25 years ago. Back then Team Raleigh was often seen parked there with the likes of Barrie Clark and Paul Hinton who used it as their regular training ground. Fast forward a few decades the likes of Lawrie Greenland and a few other world cup races are regulars here at Barry Sidings